Episode ten, double digits, I am so impressed with myself! Some quick updates and check in with me on what’s happening and what’s to come.
Motivation and morale are low for a lot of us right now with the third wave kicking our butts but we are trying! If each day feels a bit like a drag you’re not alone. 6 ways to overcome pandemic fatigue – https://www.heartandstroke.ca/articles/covid-fatigue-here-are-6-ways-to-overcome-it
AMI on YouTube – In Focus with Laura Bain
Visit AMI website https://www.ami.ca/new_ami
You can access mental health help and resources at https://wellnesstogether.ca/en-CA I did the mental health check in to keep an eye on my personal wellbeing.
Support the show on Patreon patreon.com/selfloveisblind This is the second episode of my two part conversation with Claudette so if you haven't heard the...
I sit down with Kenn to discuss everything from how to manage with a parent suffering from dementia, to growing up and coming out...
Everything kind of feels like humpty dumpty right now, just trying to put the impossible pieces back together again, sort of like my most...